Friday, April 01, 2005

Peelander Z

So, shot a brief clip for The Lounge, which is another ImaginAsian show, yesterday. The show itself is one of those shows where they air other things (movies usually, though in this case it's Asian television serieses) and have hosts to provide banter and to summarize the plot for viewers as they go. It used to have a male and female host, but I didn't see the guy this time so I don't know if he's still there. The female host is Emily Chang, who's both beautiful and charming, and who I would date in a second if she didn't have an attachment already (I think) and if I could actually work up the guts to ask her.

Anyhoo, for the stuff we shot yesterday there was a Japanese band on the show named Peelander Z, and they were pretty cool. For anyone interested, you can check out their site here.

Oh, and now that I think of it, I'd probably better put a link to ImaginAsian on the right too, so people can clicky clicky on that if I mention it and they don't know what it is.

Of course, that would mean that someone was reading this, and we all know how silly THAT is.

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