Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Peace Offering

For those of you who think I'm an irredeemable cockbag after that last post (boy, that ought make for some interesting Google links to this page), if you haven't seen this video of Kevin Federline - or K-Fed, as I believe his dawgs call him - showing off his (not-so-new now) single Popozao or Popo Zao or Po Po Zao or whatever the hell it is...watch it. Watch it and weep at the fact that this man's genetic code has been passed on to at least one more generation.

Seriously though, is it possible that Kevin Federline is the genetic equivalent of a family fortune? Like, it'll take 3 generations for his genes to run out and be replaced with more useful, intelligent ones? How much would that suck for those poor kids?

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