Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Rush of Blood to the Head

Ha ha, Coldplay sucks. And yes, I have a few of their tracks, but no, those aren't the most embarassing songs I have. What are? That's for me to know and you to find out.

Still, check out this study saying that being shown sexually stimulating images impairs a man's judgement. Big surprise, right? Actually, I just wanted to point out this bit of the article:
The men's testosterone levels were also tested - by comparing the length of the men's index finger compared to their ring finger.

If the ring finger is longest, it indicates a high testosterone level.

The researchers found that men in the study who had the highest levels performed worst in the test, and suggest that is because they are particularly sensitive to sexual images. ring fingers are like...a nail's length (fingernail, not like, a nail nail) longer than my index fingers. Guess the next time I do something stupid in front of a cute girl I can blame my fingers.

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