Friday, March 17, 2006

Life Ain't Fair

So I was all set to get showered and out of here, and then someone hopped in ahead of me, so I figured I'd post yet AGAIN. One of the interesting things mentioned in The Lexus and the Olive Tree is a voluntary association created to be a watchdog that companies can join, in order to be able to prove to consumers that their products were manufactured in a labor-friendly environment: the Fair Labor Association. The list of companies who have chosen to join is quite neat; all those shoe manufacturers (no New Balance, though they have their own supplier code of conduct that stresses no child labor and such), and stuff made in China for H&M. I just think stuff like this is neat, and really shows the positive side of globalization and the internet; all this information is out there, it's just up to individuals to take the time to find it so they can utilize it.

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