Saturday, March 11, 2006


So yeah, I have kind of a weird hangup about myspace. Let me preface this by saying it's not just because I have a pitifully small amount of "friends". I swear.

I think the biggest issue I have is that the mentality createed by myspace is that of a retarded otter. It's hey, look at me, aren't I fun and coOL AND EXCITING AND CRAZY AND I SWEARTOGODIAMSOMUCHFUNTOKNOWYOUWISHYOUKNEWMEHAHAHAHAHAHA etc etc etc. When did people become such attention whores? Or have they always been, and it's just the advent of the internet and myspace that has allowed it to blossom forth? I guess if it's the latter, that might explain the reality tv explosion as well, and why people continue to go out for them. Anyways, for whatever reason, people feel the need to plaster their pages with wallpapers that make it impossible to read their text, multiple (typically crappy) songs/music videos and other assorted gewgaws that generally make me want to punch a hole in my computer screen before I remember that would only hurt me and then transfer that aggression to the person who made the myspace page. And look, this guy agrees with me!

I just feel like it encourages people to pretend they're totally awesome friends with EVERYone, when in reality sometimes you're not. And what's so wrong about that? What's so wrong about admitting that there are some people you're acquainted with that you don't know very well? Does it make you (well, me, I guess) a bad person because I have a few people I consider myself very close to and a pile of people I might have known for a while but whom I wouldn't classify as "friends"? Or maybe it has more to do with my personality and the way I approach friendship, and maybe I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss these people who see it differently. There certainly does seem to be a lot of them. Maybe they're on to something, maybe I should spend the next hour before I head out posting random, "omfg ur hot" comments and asking every cute girl to add me as a friend.

Yea-a-a-ah, that's what I thought.

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