Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Is It Windsday?

I've noticed that a fair number of the little snippets of fiction I've written recently involve wind blowing. There isn't a particular metaphorical reason for this, it's just because I tend to become inspired to write by particular events or images, and then it becomes somewhat of an unconscious/carthartic exercise as I just scribble/type out whatever comes to mind next. Similarly (in case anyone was wondering), the "you" frequently referred to in the little snippets does not always refer to the same person; I think at least once or twice the you I was writing to even changed as I wrote (that is, "you" refers to one person in my mind one time, and then when I write it later it's actually someone else). Just a little note for any readers and myself, for when I come back to these and wonder what kind of retarded intellectual snobbery I was trying to achieve with all the damn wind.

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